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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Simple Guitar Lessons-Compulsory Mechanical License

Simple Guitar Lessons
Simple Guitar Lessons
I have found the best learning guitar lessons course around. Jamorama guitar provides easy leaning to cater each individuals learning needs on playing the guitar. It has a wealth of solid instructional videos for any level. If you are just a beginner or advanced player, this is the course to use. Simple guitar lessons online is more efficient than taken private lessons. Private lessons can cost a lot of money and getting to and from the lessons is another additional cost. With Jamorama guitar, you learn right at home from your computer. It's a great value.I highly recommend it.
Click here on learning guitar to get access.

Mechanical Royalties

The term mechanical royalties developed in the 1909 Copyright Act, and referred to payments for devices serving to reproduce sound. Even though devices haven't reproduced sound "mechanically' since the 1940's, the name has stuck and the monies paid to copyright owners for the manufacture and distribution of records are still called mechanical royalties. The rights to reproduce songs in records are known as mechanical rights.
The concept of a compulsory license for these mechanical rights grew out of a concern in Congress that the music industry was going to develop into a gigantic monopoly. This desire to keep copyright owners from controlling the world resulted in the compulsory license for records, which accomplishes its mission nicely. It says that, once a work has been recorded and released to the public, the publisher is required to license it to anyone else who wants to use it in records.

Compulsory Mechanical License

The compulsory copyright royalty provision for records is in Section 115 of the Copyright Act. It provides that, once a song has been recorded and released to the public, a copyright owner must license it: (a) to anyone else that wants to use it in a phonorecord which is a defined term in the Copyright Act; and (b) for a specific payment established by the law. However, the owner must give a compulsory license only if:

1. The song is a non-dramatic musical work
2. It has been previously recorded
3. The previous recording has been distributed publicly in phonorecords
4. Your recording doesn't change the basic melody or fundamental character of the song
5. Your use of the recording will be in phonorecords only

All of these conditions must exist before you get a compulsory license. Let's look at them:

Non-dramatic Musical Work. Before you can get the license, the song must be a non-dramatic musical composition. It's not clear what a dramatic musical composition is, but it's probably a song used in an opera or musical.

Previously Recorded. You can't get a compulsory license for the very first recording of work. The law allows the owner to control who gets it the first time, which is known as first use. Once it's recorded, however, anyone can get a compulsory license if the first recording was authorized by the copyright owner.

Public Distribution. The first recording must have been distributed to the public. This closes loopholes from the prior law, and is of course eminently logical. It's not enough that the publisher allowed a recording to be made if it wasn't released.

No Major Changes. When you get a compulsory license, you're allowed to arrange the song to conform to the style or manner of interpretation of the performance. However, you can't change the basic melody or fundamental character of the work.

Phonorecord Use. A compulsory license is available only for phonorecords, which are defined in the copyright law to mean audio only recordings. This definition was the publishers finest lobbying accomplishment in the 1976 Copyright Act, because it excluded home video devices from the definition of phonorecrds. This means there's no compulsory license for home videos, and the result has been that motion picture companies must now negotiate with every copyright owner or publisher for home video usage of each song, and that the owners free to charge whatever rate they choose.

See you next post...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Simple Guitar Lessons

Click here to go to Jamorama for learning simple guitar lessons.

Compulsory License-Learning Guitar

Compulsory Licenses
Compulsory License

A compulsory license  means that you must issue a license to someone who wants to use your work, whether you like it or not. There are six compulsory license:

1. Cable television rebroadcast.
Cable companies set up a big antenna to receive weak signals and send them along to the homes in the area. The cable tv compulsory license requires the local broadcasting stations to allow the cable company to retransmit their signals in exchange for payment of set fees. Without it this would be considered unauthorized distribution of copyrighted programming.

2. Public Broadcasting System.
The PBS lobbyists did a terrific job of requiring copyright owners to license works to them at very cheap rates.

3. Jukeboxes.
In may surprise you to know that, until 1976 Copyright Act, jukeboxes paid nothing for the right to use music. They were considered toys in the 1909 Copyright Act. Now they pay a license fee.

4. Digital performances of records.
This baby was added in 1995, then modified in 1998, and it requires the owners of recordings to allow performances on digital radio, which also includes webcasting radio shows on the Intenet.

5. Digital distribution of records.
This requires the owner of the song to license the downloading of records over the Intenet, telephone lines, satellites, etc.

6. Phonorecords of non-dramatic musical composition.
This is a big one in the music industry.

 Learning Guitar
Learning Guitar

Every post I recommend a product pertaining to music. Learning guitar online is the beat way to learn to play the guitar. You can learn to play with online guitar lessons right from home in an ebook form. So I highly recommend this course to learn the guitar. Just click here: Learning Guitar.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Making Your Own Music-Learning Guitar

How To Get A Copyright
You Need A Copyright

Under the United States copyright law, as soon as you make a tangible copy of something, you have a copyright. In making your own music, tangible simply means something that you can touch. If the work is a musical composition, for example, it can be written down if you write music, or just sung it onto a recorder. Once this tangible copy exists, you have all the copyright you need. Many people think you have to register in Washington D.C. to get a copyright. Not true. There are some important rights you get from registering, but securing a copyright isn't one of them. So yes, it is that simple. If you sing a song in your head, no matter how completely it's composed, you have no copyright; if you write it down or record it, you have one.

What Are All These Rights You Get?

When you have a copyright, you get the following rights at no extra charge. These rights are exclusive, which means that no one can do these things without your permission. You get exclusive rights to:

1. Reproduce the work.
For example, if you write a song, no one can record it, publish is as sheet music, put it in a movie, or otherwise copy it without your permission.

2. Distribute copies of work.
Apart from the right to reproduce your song, there is a separate right of distribution which you also control.

3. Perform the work publicly.
With a song, this means playing it in nightclubs, on the radio, on television, in amusement parks, supermarkets, elevators, etc.

4. Make a derivative work.
A derivative work is a creation based on another work. In the music industry, an example is parody lyrics, like Weird Al Yankovic. This is considered new work. It is called a derivative because it's derived from the original.

5. Display the work publicly.
This does not apply to music; it's the right to put paintings, statues, etc., on public display.

Learning Guitar

Learning Guitar

Here is a great online guitar lessons course that I highly recommend when learning guitar. If you are interested click click here.

Next post I will discuss more on copyright for song composition.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Making Your Own Music-Learning Guitar

Songwriting And Music Publishing

Before you can understand what songwriting and music publishing are all about, you have to understand how copy write works when making your own music. When you deal with something intangible like a copy write (which you can't see, feel, or smell), it's a challenge to nail it down. Copy writes are a tremendous amount of fun. You have to watch this, because they can nip you in the butt. Many of the concepts have been around for over a hundred years; always a challenge in today's world. But don't worry. I'll guide you through the maze.

When you own a copyright, it's like playing Monopoly and owning all the properties on the board. But unlike Monopoly, you're not limited to the rents printed on the little cards. (As we'll see later, there are some pre-set rents, but for the most part you can charge whatever the traffic will bear.) The legal definition of a copyright is "limited duration monopoly." Its purpose is to promote the progress of science and useful arts by giving creators exclusive rights to their works for a while. As you can imagine, if you created something and everybody had the right to use it without paying you, not many people would go through the trouble of creating anything. Next post I will get into to how to attain one and all the rights you get.

Learning Guitar
Learning Guitar

Anyone seeking how to learn how to play guitar, this is the program for you. Learning guitar with online guitar lessons is the way to go. It costs less money than a private lesson or lessons and is way more effective. Here is the best online guitar lessons I have run across. Click here for Jamorama Guitar.

Author Arian Collin is a music manager for bands and solo artists in the music industry.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Upstream Deals-Learning Guitar

Upstream Deals

Here is a new topic in the industry when making your own music. It has been around for the last few years now. It is called an upstream deal. This is a cross between an independent distribution deal and a production deal. This is how it works:

An indie label goes to a indie distributor that's owned by a major label. It makes a standard distribution deal, but also gives the major label a right to upstream the artist, meaning the deal transforms from a distribution deal with the indie distributor into a production deal with the major label. The upstream deal is made with the major label who supplies the distribution. In other words, the pure distribution part of the deal is in a contract with the major label, not a separate contract with the distributor.

When an artist is upstreamed, the distribution label moves the records from one distributor to its major distributor. It stops paying over the gross sales monies less a distribution fee, and instead pays the indie a royalty. or if the indie has clout a percentage of profits.Whether it's a royalty or profit share. the indie gets less money than it would under a distribution fee. That's because the distributing label is taken a big risk. As part of the upstream, it takes over the costs of marketing, promotion, videos, etc. The distributor also takes a risk on record units being returned. The idea behind the upstream deal is that when an artist's sales gets to a certain point, it takes the clout and money of a major to move those sales to the mega level.

Learning Guitar
Learning Guitar

Everyone at some point in there life is attracted to music in some shape or form. Making your own music,
is something that millions want to do for just sure fun or as a career. I usually recommend products that help with learning an instrument. I am a big fan of online guitar lessons. It saves time, money and more effective than private lessons. If you are seeking learning guitar,
check out: Jamorama Guitar.

Friday, October 21, 2011

P&D Deals-Learning Guitar

P&D Deals

If you are truly a record company in your own right, then this is the deal for you. It gives you the most autonomy and control of your life, as well as highest profit margin. This is the deal that true independent labels make. A pressing and distribution agreement of P&D is exactly that-the company agrees to manufacture records for you, although in some situations this isn't even so; the product is manufactures elsewhere, and then to distribute them solely as a wholesaler. This means you sell the records to the distributing entity for a wholesale price less a negotiate distribution fee. The distribution fee ranges in the 20% to 25% range and less if you are a big label, with the bulk of the deals around 24% to 25%. For example, if a CD wholesales for $10, under a deal with 20% distribution fee, the independent company gets
$8.00 per unit. Out of this, the independent pays manufacturing, mechanicals, artists royalties, promotion, overhead, salaries, and everything else.

In these deals, the entire risk of manufacturing falls entirely on the independent company. Remember how records are sold on a returnable basis. This means that, if you guess wrong, the returns come back home to roost. So not only are you losing your potential profit on the sale, but you're also coming out of pocket and losing the cost of manufacturing and shipping records you can't sell. Many deals also require you to pay a distribution fee even if the record is returned, adding injury to insult. The distribution company typically offers no services whatsoever in term of marketing, promotion, accounting, etc. For example they might help you with marketing, sales, or promotion, and charge an extra 3% to 5% distribution fee.

These type of deals can be made at the highest level like A&M Records was distributed by BMG ins such an arrangement. Small indie labels make these deals with smaller independent distributors.

Learning Guitar

Learning Guitar
These day with the computer crazed world, obtaining information and access to everything and everything is instant. This also applies to learning guitar.
There are several benefits to online guitar lessons, than private lessons. A few are: Much cheaper than private lessons that cost anywhere from $20 to $60 per hour. The cost of getting to your private lesson(gas) for your car. The time inefficiency. With learning guitar lessons online is overall a much more efficient and effective option. If you are seeking to learn to play the guitar, check out Jamorama Guitar. I highly recommend it.

Arian Collin, author of this blog is a music manager for bands and solo artists in the music industry.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Learning Guitar

Learning Guitar
Learning Guitar

With all the options we have today with the Internet, there are so many products and services for learning guitar. I have spent a lot of time researching and looking into over one hundred products for guitar lessons. My conclusion is that I found Jamorama Guitar is a great learning tool for learning to play guitar. It offers a very personal and specific instructions with over thousand of hours of instructional video. This product is a great value. Keep in mind that when you take private lessons it will cost you a minimum of $20 an hour fee and can range anywhere from $20 to $60 an hour. Jamorama is by far a fantastic online guitar lessons teaching guide.  Who does this benefit? This program is specific instruction for beginners to intermediate for any age. It also is a learning guide for acoustic guitar and electric. The course also consists of four videos with an abundance of illustrations and photos all in an ebook form.
148 short videos with sound to illustrate each lesson. These short audio/video illustrations are well produced with split screens showing the right and left handed positioning separately as well as other illustrations without fingers blocking the view. These videos make learning a new technique or chord so much simpler than regular static photos. You will have access to playing with a backup band when you play. This is my favorite part of the product. Another bonus part is the guitar tuner, that will tune your guitar. Nothing compares to Jamorama Guitar. It is a great value for only $39.95! Enjoy and have fun. To purchase Jamorama click here on learning guitar.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Making your Own Music-Royalties Verses Joint Ventures

Making Your Own Music-Royalties Versus Joint Ventures

Keep in mind when making your own music, there is a difference between royalty and a joint venture. So, are you better off with a joint venture or have a royalty arrangement? To answer this requires a crystal ball. If you're extremely successful, you're better off with a joint venture. With modest success, you're better off under a royalty arrangement. As I discussed, you're charged for more costs in a joint venture than under a royalty deal, and thus with only modest success. you're behind. However, many of these costs are not "per unit" when making your own music. This mans that there only paid at the beginning, as opposed to "per unit" costs that are incurred for each record made. Examples for per-unit charges are costs of manufacturing, mechanical royalties, union per record charges, freight, etc., which must be paid to manufacture and ship each unit. Costs that are not per-unit are such things like, artwork, videos, promotion, marketing, advertising, which are unrelated to specific units. Thus, with a great deal of success, the non-per-unit costs are eaten up by the first dollars that  come in, and thereafter the profit per unit is far greater than any royalty arrangement is ever likely to be.

Simple Guitar Lessons
If you are seeking online guitar lessons, I highly recommend Jamorama Guitar.

For all you music equipment at low prices, I recommend American Musical Supply.

See you next time!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Making Your Own Music-Joint Ventures

Making Your Own Music-Joint Ventures

When making your own music, a joint venture is the same as a multi-artist or label deal except the production entity doesn't get a royalty. Instead, the production entity and the distribution record company are in effect "partners." This means they take all the income which comes in gross wholesale price of records and all licensing income and put into one big pot. Then they take all the expenses of operations out of the pot, and whatever is left over is split between the two entities. Historically, the split was 50/50, but over recent years this has become increasingly difficult to get. Record labels are shying away from joint ventures altogether, and when they do them, they're trying to pay less- %40 times lower. A true partnership or joint venture means one partner can commit to both of them to legal obligations. For example, if one partner signs a bank loan for $200,000, both partners can be sue if it isn't paid back. Neither you nor the record label wants this, so the agreements sometimes specifically state they aren't legally partnerships or joint ventures. Thus, the name :joint venture" is not technically correct. It just describes a multi-artist deal where the profits are shared as if a joint venture existed.

Daily, I recommend some music related products:

Need online guitar lessons: Jamorama Guitar

Record your own music: Dub Turbo

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Making Your Own Music-Label Deals

Making Your Own Music-Label Deals

A multi-artist deal, as the name implies, is one where the production entity has a deal with the record company to sign and deliver a number of artists. It is sometimes called a label deal. When making your own music, these days the production entity usually has its own label on the product. Sometimes, however, the producing entity has no identification on the records, and the public doesn't know they exist. In addition to paying a recording fund for each album, there is often some form of overhead payment to the production entity. This is usually an advance and is used to pay rent, payroll, phone, light bills, etc. For bigger deals, it will also cover marketing and promotion.

The tern of the deal is usually two or three years firm, with the distributor having options for one or more additional one-. two-, or three-year periods.

Multi Artist Deal Numbers

All-in royalty to production entity:   60 cents
Royalty to artist A:                         50 cents
Royalty to artist B:                         50 cents
Royalty to artist C:                         50 cents
Advance for production operations: $100,000

Simple Guitar Lessons
*If you are seeking online guitar lessons, I recommend: Jamorama Guitar

Monday, October 3, 2011

Making Your Own Music-Production Deal Points

Music Production
Production Deal Points

In previous post I talked about computations when making your own music. I have found it worth while to recompute royalties. First of all it's difficult, complex, time consuming and usually given to a low level bookkeeper. Second, even when done correctly. the advantage you pick up is often very minimal. Third, if and when the artist finds out this looks bad for the artist.

Make sure you don't give the artist any rights you don't have in the first place. I remember where one production company gave an artist approval of coupling, approval of album cover artwork. guaranteed release, etc, when they didn't have those things from the record company. If you fall into this trap, at best it will be embarrassing, and at worst the artist could walk away from your deal when you don't deliver. The artist will still record with the label. However, this doesn't do you any good cause the record label won't pay you royalties if you lose the artist because of the screw-up.

*Get All Your Music Supplies And Gear At: American Muscial Supply
Simple Guitar Lessons
*Need Online Guitar Lessons: Making Your Own Music