When making your own music and recording, I will discuss more about distribution. Distribution is the same whether it is rock music or if you make music beats as a DJ. All digital records are sold electronically. The major business is downloads of full masters on the internet like iTunes, thirty second song samples through cell phones like ring tones, and internet streaming. In the near future sales will be made with full length masters through cell phones. Even though digital sales is a bug buzz it is still only about %10 of total sales. So %90 is still CD's. Here is how records are distributed:
Wholesale Distribution
Record wholesalers are the major way of distribution. They buy from the manufacturing company and sell to retail stores. There are major and independent distributors. One stops is a term that means records are purchased from major distributors and sold to mom and pop record stores. They buy in bulk and then add a markup to make a profit. Rackers are people that leave floor space from department stores like Wal-Mart and Target. Licensees distribute records. They sign a license agreement with the record company and manufacture and distribute the records.
Make Music Software
Here are a few great music making software where you can record from home:
Music Maker 17
Sony Creative Software ACID Music Studio 8.0 - 2011
Cakewalk Music Creator 5 Software
Dub Turbo
Sonic Pro