This is very important to know as a recording artist. After your accounting clause in your contract, should be an audit clause that immediately follows. This means you have the right to send an accountant to verify every penny brought in by the record label on your behalf. In the music industry, I can not stress how vital this clause is. This is a way of assuring that you're getting a fair reporting of all the reporting money going in and out of your band. Make sure that you have this, because most artists get shafted and can lose on profits and take a hit on your royalties if you don't. If this clause is not in your contract, the label will take advantage of you and will nickel and dime you. Keep in mind that this is not free to do. This will cost you money to have an audit. Make sure that you require quarterly reports and file them for your own records. An audit cost can run $25,000 to $50,000. When making your own music, most of the record labels have a built in right to audit. Ask anyways. You can only audit once a year.
Recommended Recording Equipment:
Pro Tools Make Music Now Recording Studio
Tascam DP-02 Digital Portastudio - 8 Track
Sony Creative Software ACID Music Studio 8.0 - 2011
Acoustica Mixcraft 5 Audio MIDI Music Recording Software V 5
Dub Turbo