Videos that you see om MTV and VH1 are what are called promotional videos. These videos are made and paid for by the record label. In the music industry, the reason videos are made is to promote your record. You and your label don't make a profit from producing videos. The label might break even because the videos are expensive to make.
Music videos started in 1981 in America and have been around in Europe since the 1960's. In Europe this way a alternative way to promote your album, instead of touring. In the music business, this was much cheaper than touring. In the 1950's in the United States there was something called Scopitone. These were jukeboxes that played videos that were black and white and also some color. These were make on 16mm film but vanished after a few years. Today these Scopitone's are considered collectors items. In movie theaters some short videos were shown in movie theaters.
Music Making Software And Song Recording
I recommend a few good home recording products:
Pro Tools Make Music Now Recording Studio
Tascam DP-02 Digital Portastudio - 8 Track
Audio-Technica AT2020 USB Condenser USB Microphone
Dub Turbo