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Monday, November 28, 2011

Focus On A Publishing Deal!

Publishing Deals
Publishing Deals

The music industry changes like the weather. How do you break through as an artist when making your own music? Today several artists are seeking the backdoor approach to obtaining a recording deal. A great route is to get signed by a publishing company. First thing to do is go online and join a music society. In Canada join SOCAN. If you are an artist based in the United States, there is BMI or ASCAP. There are some major publishing companies just like the record labels. My advice is to do what you can to attract a middle of the road publishing company with some clout. Find out who they know and who they have worked with and if they can exposed your songs to TV, film and commercials. If a publishing company has no contact with labels, I would not pursue them. The other positive with a publish company is that they will listen to your demo. Three of your best songs, no more. Labels will through it in the trash unless it is submitted by a manager or publisher. Remember some music publishing companies work with record labels. They can convince the labels to sign you if the publishing company really like you.  An example is the group Ben Folds Five. They got a publishing deal first and then were eventually signed. My advice is to do your homework at obtain a publishing company that can work for you and likes you. Also, a big one is they must have clout! Good luck.

Simple Guitar Lessons

Simple Guitar Lessons
  If you are someone looking to take guitar lessons, I recommend online simple guitar lessons. The course is a digital download of hundreds of teaching videos that are easy to follow and as effective and cheaper in price than private lessons that will cost to much money. For learning guitar click on Jamorama Guitar.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Perfect Pitch Training

Perfect Pitch Training

Perfect Pitch Training

Discover the methods and technique that can get you perfect pitch as a sing and musician. We hear songs on the radio that sometimes have a lack of singing quality and decent pitch. With this perfect pitch training you will conquer a quality singing voice and great range and pitch. Perfect pitch training will develop your singing voice with quality and song like a professional singer. Have you ever heard a song and later you couldn't get it out of your head? All day that melody kept repeating over and over again, it was almost like you were actually hearing the notes ringing in your ears! The idea of hearing notes and chords in your mind is very much at the heart of absolute pitch.

A person with this ability has the luxury of hearing a piece of music and being able to know which notes were played. Having absolute pitch, as you might imagine, can give you a huge advantage as a professional musician. Not only that, but working out melodies you hear in your head takes just seconds.
It is this musical intuition which allows you to hear melodies in your mind and to improvise beautiful solos over chords. And whether a musician who has this ability realizes it or not, all of it rests on the skill of pitch recognition. It is the guiding force behind it all!

Why Perfect Master Pro?

Unfortunately, up until now there hasn't been an ear training software product which was focused on learning these skills in the shortest amount of time possible. The fact is that all other ear training methods out there are either too slow to learn, or worse... They don't work at all!

But now with the release of Pitch Master Pro, you have a faster and more effective way of training your inner ear to recognize notes, intervals, chords, and scales by name! This software is light years ahead of anything else on the market. It is truly cutting edge! For instant access go here: perfect pitch training.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Professional Recording Studio

Professional Recording Studio
Home Recording Software

When it comes to making your own music, you can record at home without a professional recording studio! You can record high quality sound of music with recording software straight to your computer and control the recording process with your keys on your computer! Do You Ever Wish YOU Had The Ability To Make REAL Hit Music Like That? Something That BOOMS At Broadcast Quality - That You, Yourself Created??

"DUBturbo's home recording software - Marked As The Most Controversial BeatMaker On The Market" ('Cause It Does 10 x As Much While Costing 10 x Less Than Other Software. Made For All Levels)

Keep Reading And See Why DUBturbo Is Your Best Choice! You'll Sound HOTTTTTTTTT!!  Beat machines can be extremely limited when you get lower end gear. Get ready for some truths:

**ESPECIALLY THE OTHER online beat makers - I CAUTION YOU! Why? Because they actually use .mp3's for their samples, so you're building beats with second generation compressed sounds... not cool.
WHAT'S WORSE? To add insult to injury, when you export from other programs, they take the MP3's you've built your tune with, and they compress them again as your 'master' < lol!
THAT MEANS your final output is third generation, compressed twice, and sample rates are out the window.. . ... GOOD LUCK trying to sell that to someone - or getting an artist to vibe on it - or a radio station to play it.. . ..YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!! Other online beat makers are NOT industry standard in quality or in sound. Some also just give you ONE bar to build/loop and play with - like huh? What's the point of doing that? Have a look at: Dub Turbo.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Online Voice Lessons

Online Voice Lessons

Online Voice Lessons
Marjorie Searcy brings unique vocal experience to the field of vocal coaching and online voice lessons. Marjorie is a graduate of Belmont University in Nashville where she studied commercial voice and music education. Having performed everything from classical to country, rock and jazz, her emphasis is on providing singers with the technique to effectually communicate the style they enjoy.

Marjorie is a gifted instructor with the ability to help singers work through their breaks, gain control, flexibility and support. Marjorie's method, The Middle Voice Method (MVM), will give you real manageable steps that will actually change and improve the way you sing. Marjorie has coached many students to award winning prominence. Her students include recording artists, professional songwriters and entertainers, and scholarship winners.

Marjorie's vocal coaching studio is located in Fairhope, Alabama. She also travels to teach private vocal lessons and to give vocal seminars. This is the best online voice lessons available. For more information about Marjorie's Artist Page, click on online voice lessons.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Simple Guitar Lessons

 Simple Guitar Lessons 

Simple Guitar Lessons
     Experience the Satisfaction of Mastering the Guitar in the Comfort of Your Own Home. The Most Popular Guitar Course Ever! Learning guitar has never been so easy, fun and cheaper than private lessons with easy guitar play. We've been teaching simple guitar lessons online for over 6 years. Our comprehensive approach to teaching beginners to master the guitar has made us one of the most popular guitar courses of all time! Save your money on private lessons that will cost between $25 to $40 an hour!

Today we are recommended by thousands of guitar related sites all over the Internet. In fact, we currently receive visitors from a whopping 368,194 sources. 83% recommended  In a recent customer satisfaction survey, 83% of Jamorama students surveyed said they would recommend Jamorama online guitar course to their friends, family, and colleagues. For access to simple guitar lessons click here on guitar lessons.

Perfect Pitch Software

Perfect Pitch Software

Perfect Pitch Software
Do you know there is a shocking Secret Revealed... Discover How A Small Dorky Teenager Cracked The Known Hidden Code Of Mastering Absolute And Relative Pitch In Just Under 6 Weeks! A Skill That Has Allowed Musical Legends Such As Jimi Hendrix, Mariah Carey, And Mozart To Steamroll Their Way To The Top!" Perfect pitch will seperate you from millions of singers and propel you to a career in the music recording industry. This perfect pitch software can assist you to becoming a professional statis singer in less than eight weeks! 
This Perfect Pitch Software Know As The
Secret Weapon Will Totally Transform Your Musical Skills Forever!

Sing Like Mariah!

 It is all a matter of the proper technique, and most importantly - BELIEVING IN YOURSELF! Anyone can do it!

Accept the fact that ANYTHING is possible. "You are only limited by the limits you place on yourself!" Don't ever forget this. Take action to become a great singer with perfect pitch and you will be on your way to success! For access  click here: perfect pitch software 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Learning Guitar-Types Of Publishing

In this post I will discuss one of the best learning guitar courses and the different types of music publishing deals.

Learning Guitar
Learning Guitar
When learning guitar or any instrument is a very challenging and daunting task. I recently have come across a full professional simple guitar lessons online course that will take you through the learning process of learning to play the guitar. With several video tutorial that are done very well and will cater each individual's learning and development of guitar playing. Jamorama online guitar course is considered the top online guitar lessons course on the market. It is a great value for what you receive. Keep in mind that the price is much less expensive than if you pursued private guitar lessons. Click here: Jamorama Guitar to have a look at this top notch simple guitar lessons program.

Types Of Publishing

For this reason, there are a lot of smaller players in the publishing business, and it isn't nearly so dominated by the majors as is the record business. There are, to be sure, megaton publishing companies such as Warner/Chappell and EMI, who have worldwide operations ad generate hundreds of millions of dollars per year, but there are bush loads of others running the gamut from a one-person show to the giants. Here's a broad-stokes view of the different types:

The 900 Pound Gorillas. These are the major companies, most of which are affiliated with a record and/or film company. Examples are Warner/Chappell, EMI, Unviersal, BMG, Sony/ATV, Famous music which is owned by Paramount Communications. Actually,  the weight of these gorillas varies considerably. EMI and Warner/Chappell are clearly the 900-pounders, while Universal, BMG, and SOny are clearly 600 pounders.

Major Affiliates. There are a number of independent publishing companies, with full time staffs of professionals, whose administration is handled by a major. Quincy Jones Publishing, for example is administered by Warner/Chappell. And there are hundreds of smaller examples as well. Publisher's affiliation with a major may be for the world, or it may be for only certain territories. For instance, a publisher might be affiliated with a major for the United States and have separate sub publishing deals for the rest of the world.

Stand-alones. Stand-alones is my term borrowed from cable TV and not and industry one. I'm using it to mean a company that's not affiliated with a major, and instead does its own administrations. In other words, it collects its own money, does its own accounting's, etc. It may. however, license territories outside the United States to a major. Example stand-alones are Peer and Bug.

Writer-Publishers. Many writers keep their own publishing. Examples are well-established writers who don't need a publisher because people are constantly begging them for a song.

Just because the publishing game has a low entry price doesn't mean it's an easy gig. So you have to check out your publishing thoroughly. The difference between a good publisher and a unqualified one can mean a lot to your pocketbook. For example, a good publisher knows how much to charge for various licenses and where to look for hidden monies and foreign monies. The bad ones can lose you money just by sitting there and not doing what they're supposed to. An inexperienced publisher affiliated with a major is a quantum improvement over an unqualified publisher trying to go it alone. However, the major will not have the same incentive to take care of the independents songs as it will to take care of its own. Also, a major own tens of thousands of copyrights, so you can get shoved onto the back shelf. On the other hand, a good independent publisher affiliated with a major can often do better for you than if you signed to the major directly. If the publisher has enough clout to become a squeaky wheel on your behalf it can prevent you from getting lost in the shuffle. Hope you enjoyed this post.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Learning Guitar-Publishing Companies

Each post contains two parts. First part contains a great learning guitar course. All the benefits and what is included in the course. Second part I will discuss Publishing companies when making your own music.

Simple Guitar Lessons

Jamorama Learning Guitar
Efficiency is what we all look for in any type of product in any niche. Products are bought for specific needs, results and can solve a problem. If your seeking learning guitar, simple guitar lessons online is as efficient as you can get. This course provides over 145 teaching videos and bonuses for all levels. Jamorama Guitar is in an e book form which makes is easy as you just download once to your computer and have it for life. This is the best program I have seen on the Internet at a great value! Have a look here at: learning guitar.


What Does A Publisher Do?

As a songwriter, you may be interested in business, but your talents are best spent in creating and writing songs. However, someone needs to take care of business, and that's where the publishing industry came from. A publisher makes the following speech to a songwriter. The publisher learns forward, rattling the gold chains on his chest. Your strength is writing songs, and mine is taking care of business. You assign the copyright in your song to the publisher and they find people to use your songs. You can make a pretty penny with a publisher if they are good and have clout. Traditionally, the publisher splits all income 50/50 with the writer (with the exception of sheet music and performance monies, which I will get into later). The publisher's 50% is for overhead and profit. The share of money kept by the publisher from each dollar is known by a sophisticated industry term: the publisher's share. Then you get the writers share.

Publishers Are Major

Publishers today are major players when making your own music. There role has changed radically. Some are great creative publishers, in the same sense that they put their writers together with other writers, help them fine-tune their writing, match writers with artists, etc. They also use their clout to help the songwriter find a record deal and promote their records after they have a deal. However, today major artist don't have publishers. They obtain their own publishing rights. This means you profit 100% instead of 50%. Publishing is a major concept if you are a new artist and something to consider when making your own music.

Mechanics of Publishing

1. An administrator to take care of registering copyrights in the songs, issuing licenses, collecting money, paying writers, etc.

2. A "song plugger" who runs around and gets songs recorded.

3. A creative staff person, who finds writers, works with them to improve songs.

Thus, unlike the record business, it takes only a small capital investment to call yourself a publisher. You don't need a large staff, and there's no need for the expensive distribution  network, warehouses, inventory, etc. A vest pocket publisher refers to one person, with administrative help, acting as a publisher.

Next post, I will continue publishing for an artist.